Sunday Worship Times: 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 PM

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do you believe?

Gaston Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and holds to basic Southern Baptist beliefs, doctrines, and practices.  To read more in depth about our beliefs, click on beliefs.

What are Sunday mornings like at Gaston Baptist Church?

You will find a loving group of people who enjoy time to worship and fellowship together.  We love having guests in Sunday School and worship service.  Sunday School begins at 9:30am and Worship service is at 10:30am.  We ask that you complete a Welcome Card while when you visit.  It helps us follow up with you and share more information with you about Gaston.  We believe you will be welcomed as part of the family, and you will enjoy worshiping with us as we magnify the name of Jesus Christ together.

What should I wear to a GBC service?

You will see all types of clothing at Gaston.  Some wear suits and ties, while others come in more relaxed and less formal clothing.  Regardless of what you wear, we want people to come with a heart that anticipates connecting with the Holy God in worship.

Where should I bring my children when I visit GBC?

We will assist you in finding the nursery or the proper Sunday School classroom for your child.  A friendly usher will give you all the information you will need and escort you to the right place.

What is Sunday School?

Joining a Sunday School Class is a great way to become quickly involved in the life of the Church.  In Sunday School, adults come together for Bible study, fellowship, outreach, and ministry.  We will help you find the appropriate class where you can meet new people and hopefully begin lifelong relationships with people who love the Lord.  Sunday School is the place where you can be anchored and plugged in to the ministry of the church.

One Family worshiping and serving One God and reaching the world for Jesus Christ.

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